Saturday, October 20, 2007

About Time

Bobby Jindal was elected Governor of Louisiana today, making him the first American of South Asian ancestry to ever become a state governor, the first non-white chief executive of Louisiana since Reconstruction, and (when he takes office at age 36) the youngest governor in the United States. (What a country!) Good luck to Jindal. Both he, and Louisiana, will certainly need it.


Hector Owen said...

Oh, my, that is good news! That he is also free of generations of familial connections (my uncle helped your grandfather, so now you owe me) has just got to be good. But -- can someone without the connections provided by corruption pull the necessary strings to make the government work in a state that has been run on corruption for so long? I sure hope so.

Randy said...

As I understand it, the state legislature is quite powerful and unlikely to reform itself or the state any time soon, so I am not overly hopeful that Jindal will prove successful.

Hector Owen said...

How did I manage to forget about the race angle! It's started already: Tearing down Bobby Jindal. Good luck Bobby.

Randy said...

Thanks for the heads up, Hector. I figured it would not take long for the left to denigrate Jindal. They are not genuinely interested in celebrating diversity unless it is their own personally-sanctioned highly-conformist version of it.