Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Requiem Æternam

A private Roman Catholic Mass for my father is scheduled for tomorrow morning. As it will be held in a small chapel on the grounds of a retirement community for priests, only the immediate family and a few friends are attending.

My dad mentioned this idea to my sister-in-law only a few days before he passed away. I remember that, when my mom first got sick and I was caring for the two of them, my dad told me that he was quietly repeating the "Hail Mary" all night long every night. Later, when we were talking about prayers one night, he told me he could not remember the words to some, so I printed out a number of them. I know that he found a great deal of comfort in having them by his chair because he told me more than once how much it meant to him.

(Photo: Vhaidra )

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